Why Did I Write the Article? What compelled me to write this article was the fact that I kept hearing everyday sayings based on scripture being used and taken out of context. This is either because people have misused it or it became secularized. What didn't help either is the fact these charlatans and pastorpreneurs feeding the masses these self-interpret or opinionated scriptures taking entire verses and scripture from the Bible out of context to apply to things that it does not apply to? Most of the time these megachurch pastors apply certain scriptures and verses as a means that God works for the individual instead of the other way around. This makes Christianity as well as the Bible itself a self-serving, narcissistic tool for the individual instead of the humbleness and selflessness that scripture often talks about. They use scripture to talk about your best life now through the "Open Heaven/Heaven On Earth Now" theology, how God wants to bless you, how God has good intentions for you, and that God wants to give you a wonderful life. In short, they preach that God wants to give you a whole bunch of money and stuff, but the parts that they don't reference are the things that the Bible asks the individual to do in order to obtain these materialistic things. A lot of times the people listening to these charlatans don't get what they want because it is self-serving and there are a lot of biblical scriptures and verses about the intention of wants and needs from God. God wants to give you the best of everything but first, everything must be about him not that God wants to bless you with everything because you're awesome, because you're special, and that God needs you when it's the other way around - you need God. Another thing that made me want to write this article which is the fact that simple verses from the Bible are being taken completely out of context to apply to whatever meaning you wanted it to be applied to or just not understanding what that particular line in the Bible means. A lot of the problems with why people take the stuff out of context and apply it to whatever they feel like it is because of the poor teaching from megachurch pastors and regular pastors as a whole. This is due to the fact that this post-modernistic philosophy when it comes to life and society where things don't matter more, everything and anything is relative to the person, or the objection of Truth has become subjective that it became an "anything goes type of society". But in all honesty, the two scriptures that really made me want to write this article were the "Money Is The Root Of All Evil" misquotation or "I Can Do All Things That Christ that Strengthened Me" misquotation. The Money Is The Root Of All Evil misquotation because people act like money is an evil thing when it's not, but it's how it has been used and it's the person's heart when using it. The Bible clearly says that the LOVE of Money Is The Root Of All Evil (1 Timothy 6:10) or You Can't Serve Both God Or Money or Mammon in some translations of the Bible (Matthew 6:24). I Could Do All Things Through Christ that Strengthen Me (Philippians 4:13) was taken out of context because a celebrity basketball player who is a quote-unquote "Christian" used the line from the Bible for branding purposes - i.e. Sneaker deal. So with all this being said, this is the reason why I wrote the Top 10 Biblical Misquoted Scriptures - Part 1.
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